Wednesday 23 February 2022

Why I do not use excessive make up/ foundation on my skin

When I lived in India nine (9) years ago I was forced to put make up on my face every day, it was a “must” recommend due to the training I was attending. In all honesty I did not like it at all, it was a lot of effort to go to swimming lessons every morning put make up on and then remove every evening. I clearly remember interrogating my grooming tutor why make up was a "must"? She emphasized the importance of presentation while at the same time she also gave us remedy strategies on how to maintain a healthy skin in the process.

I have oily skin and do not use foundation on my skin (yes that includes not on platforms/ special occasions) because I’ve realized that my skin is healthy and can glow without make up. I quickly realized that what I eat directly or indirectly affects my skin so I started figuring out in the past nine (9) years what works and what doesn’t work for me. This was an eye opener to slowly cut out a few things with reinvention of a new simple things. The outcome of it all is that it works for me, and I am a firm believer in showing up as your true authentic self. My internal healing journey has really been a catalyst to love and embrace my natural simplicity without having to conceal who I truly am. I use eye pencil and eye shadow yes but I do not use foundation on my skin because of longevity (I’m a natural futuristic thinker) blame it for being a visionary. My mother and grandmother have not been using make up for all these years too, my mother is close to hitting her 60’s and she still looks much more younger and beautiful. I believe it runs in the Jameson blood line (haha), thank God for generational blessings.


If there is one thing I wish I could’ve used consistently it would be “lipstick”, I tried using it so many times but it agitates my lips with itching. I am not saying that using make up is wrong but what I am saying is may we be considerate to use wisdom in the NOW and not medicate what we could’ve prevented 30 years from now. Use your make up as you would like to but I humbly implore you not to allow it to conceal who you truly are. You are beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, embrace it unapologetically.

(No foundation on skin just a touch of eye shadow & Vaseline on lips)

My healthy skin care strategy:


1.Drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily

2. Use Dove soap for my face and apply Shea butter cream and (or rose water)

3.Use my own home made face scrub to remove dead skin i.e Olive oil/coconut oil with, sugar and turmeric.

4. Eat less oily food to prevent acne. I use coconut oil to deep fry & in my food.

5. Sleep at least 7-9 hours consistently (In my busy rhythm I sleep in for 10-13 hours for one day in 7 weeks) Your body heal itself when you rest.

6.Take 3 kilometer walk once a week. Sometimes I skip when my daily routine exceeded 2 kilometer errand runs (haha) now that’s a win!

7.Use pure petroleum jelly (Vaseline) for my lips.

8. The word of God with intentionality & consistency. 

1 Peter 3:3-4


“3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the [a]incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”.



In His love


Ndeshi Jameson



Wednesday 23 October 2019

But...What about my desires Lord?

Featured on: Between the gardens blog via Instagram written by: Ndeshi Jameson 

After taking a hot shower a few days ago, I was getting into my nightdress and the Holy Spirit reminded me and said, “Ndeshi do you remember you bought that nightdress 5 years ago just before flying to India?

In that moment I was so shocked and realized it was true and that the nightdress was so big then and it didn’t fit me. I had to put it away hoping that in the near future it would fit. The reason I bought it was because I loved the color and it was beautiful. Even though it was too big I decided to buy it hoping to wear it one day. To my surprise, as I put it on a few days ago, I couldn’t believe it but it fit me perfectly well after 5 long years.
In that moment the Holy Spirit said to me, Ndeshi I want to remind you of certain desires you’ve expressed to me in prayer for the past 5 years. You’ve cried and fasted, and frustration was the order of the day. I want to remind you that just like that dress didn’t fit you then, so too were you not mature enough for what you were crying for. There are certain things you’ve prayed and fasted for and I am only releasing it to you now in this season because you have grown into maturity in Me. Every test, trial, and tribulation has matured you for such a time as this.

I got job opportunities which were offering me the perfect packages and God said-No.
I was engaged to be married and God stepped in and said-No.
Friendships I held onto and God said-Let it go.
It was hard to let go and let God and my faith was wounded. I was depressed and felt like my prayers were only hitting the ceiling. Looking back, I can honestly say that I am thankful for every closed door because I was not ready to step into what I was crying for. If God had given me what I petitioned for, my life would have been a wreck.

During the past two years, I continued to consecrate myself to the Lord. He enlightened my eyes to see that my identity and self-worth was tied to what I was asking for. I prayed and sought His face for all of those things because everyone around me was getting perfect jobs, getting married, and stepping into their purpose.
Today I am healed and free and delivered in so many areas which led me to walk in God’s purpose for my life. I share more of that in my recently published book, “In Pursuit of a Father.” God may have made you great promises but it seems like your life is one big ball of trials. God is preparing you for those promises. I don’t know what you are trusting God for in this season or what you have been praying for. But, as we seek Him for who He truly is, He will delight in what we desire in His perfect timing. He is a good, good Father and so perfect in all of His ways.

I pray you are encouraged. 

In His love

Ndeshi Jameson

Monday 22 January 2018

An open letter to anyone struggling with debt or financially

Struggling with debt or financially? It is not the end of the world.
There was a time (four years ago) in my life when everyone around me moved into their own apartments, bought their own cars etc. While I still stayed at my mom’s house and to be honest I felt bad and literally became discontent. My friends would pick me up with their own cars, we would go to restaurants, hang out together etc.

There was so much pressure to compete I felt like an outcast simply because I didn’t have what they all had, I became so frustrated and just felt like something was wrong with me, Why me? etc. All sorts of negative questions were running through my mind, and yes we can sometimes allow the pressures of this world to influence us and drive us towards detrimental choices for our future. Comparison is the cousin of COVET we need to guard our hearts and minds from comparison at all times and if you truly understand TIME and SEASON, trust me you will envy no one. 

1 John 5:21 (AMP)
21 Little children (believers, dear ones), guard yourselves from idols—[false teachings, moral compromises, and anything that would take God’s place in your heart].

In my journey I came to realize that just because I was taking longer than others does not mean I am a failure.  I shared in one of my blog posts “from the pit to the palace” my journey from having little to having much as I said “no” to a lot of money and yes to “little” money and at that time I didn’t understand it until the Lord spoke to me during that season. I’ve grown to learn that we will never know the fullness of Christ until we know the emptiness of everything else and I am truly so thankful for that season because the Lord circumcised my heart from a lot of things, God is our source but if and when we depend on “our money “to sustain us we lose it all as scripture says in:

 Luke 16:10
10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.

 The Lord has literally been so faithful to me and I can go on and on about His constant faithfulness. I live in my own apartment now, fully furnished and I did not have to get myself into debt to get all my furniture I literally took a step of faith and decided to depend on the Lord for everything and simply just refused to get into any debt but to trust Him and I am not in any sense saying that I am perfect but this is my testimony of provision, if He could do it for me He can do it for you too.. It is entirely possible to live a debt free life (I mean getting into debt for:  furniture, gadgets, clothes, food, etc.) Everything on the earth belongs to the Lord and we can confidently trust Him for anything be it a car, a house etc. These past 5 years taught me how to trust and fully depend on the Lord for His provision (in every area of my life) and trust me it has not been the easiest journey but so worth it as my faith muscles has been stretched on another level.

In January 2017 I had just come from my holiday in South Africa and then my cellphone (I bought this phone 4 years ago in India) all of a sudden just gave up on me upon my arrival back in Namibia and it was very frustrating. I was so driven by my frustration that I literally went to a clothing store to open an account just to take a cellphone on account and pay it off in three months (so I thought) but as I stood there I was convicted as I didn’t trust God to come through for me and  then I walked out. I was only trusting God for a Samsung J1 cellphone nothing more nothing less, and a few days later I then decided to take a bold step of faith, surrender my need to the Lord and boldly trust Him to come through for me... and BOOM! In exactly three days’ time the Lord came through for me and blessed me with an iPhone cellphone huh? and I only wanted a Samsung J1!  I then heard the Lord say to me: “Ndeshi, my thoughts are not your thoughts don’t limit me based on what you see, I have nothing but the BEST in store for you. Gosh! He is so faithful!!!! 

This scripture was and is still in its truest sense a manifestation in my life:

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

So what is it that you need? We can only access it by FAITH by drawing close to Jesus

Carrying a weight of debt or struggling financially? Don’t condemn yourself? Surrender your debt to the Lord? Nothing is impossible with Him. God is not limited to our ABILITY and CAPACITY. Your job is a channel. If you think that your job is what keeps you financially secure, you’re going to be insecure your entire life. You’ve got to understand that God is the SOURCE of your supply, and you can depend on Him to know exactly what you need and give it to you.  Your salary is a blessing and blessings come at a cost and responsibility. How can we want more? and how can He give us more? if we cannot be faithful stewards with what He has blessed and entrusted us with? 

Luke 16:11
 11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 

Prepare yourself to be a good steward over what God has blessed you with and about to bless you with exceedingly and more abundantly it is never too late to start now. Let your trust in God speak louder than the opinions of people, let your trust in God speak louder than your circumstances and let us choose to cast all our care on Him for He cares for us in and out of season  (1 Peter 5:7) He is our Father and He knows what we have need of even before we ask.

Here’s a few principles of which helped me stay the course in my financial discipline for the past 5 years:

1.TITHE (Malachi 3:8-12 this area is a HEART issue)

2.Realize that your salary/income is a blessing

3.STEWARDSHIP is of utmost importance, we need to be faithful stewards over our portion.

4.Identify your NEEDS from your WANTS, set up a monthly budget and be accountable.

5.Plan thoroughly (especially if you buy a lot of fast food, going out to spend at restaurants, entertainment etc.)

6.If and when going to the grocery store make a list of what you are going to
buy and stick to it (not to overspend)

7.If you are in debt take it to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to clear it for you (Surrender and Trust Him)

8.Take your list of needs/wants to the Lord (put it on your prayer alter)

9.Pray for wisdom? And steward faithfully as He grants wisdom.

10.Discipline is Key and a disciplined life is a PRINCIPLED life.

In His love

Ndeshi Jameson

Friday 1 December 2017

Healthier choices? But WHY?

Anyone Who knows me knows that I am extremely health conscious as I became quiet yesterday afternoon I had a tug on my heart to share reasons for my “health conscious craziness”. Back in 2015 late in November I have been vomiting for a consistent two weeks straight, normally I would first try and play doctor at home and would try out home remedies (bahaha) can anyone else relate? Well my condition became worse in the second week. Decided to go see a doctor but he said it was just oily food and gave me something to treat the nausea and the vomiting, so I decided to just relax. A few days later my condition worsened while driving on my way to the shops (sitting behind the steering wheel) I then started feeling weak and dizzy and decided to drive back home immediately, packed a few things and drove myself to the hospital and signed in for admittance.
Doctors did examine me and ran a few tests on me but could not tell even after 3 days of being admitted what the prognosis was. As stubborn as I was I then decided discharge myself from the hospital and literally lied to the doctor that I am feeling a 100% fine and that I would prefer going home. To be honest I couldn’t handle being in the Hospital for 3 days and doctors not telling me what was wrong with me, they just kept injecting me with something to stop the nausea and the vomiting. Doctor was convinced and then discharged me from the hospital that same day in the afternoon. Midnight on that very same day I was re-admitted again as my condition worsened at home to be honest this was the scariest season of my entire life. I felt helpless and just cried out to God for help and clarity, the doctor who was on call that very same night attended to me in the morning she started doing some more tests and later during the day gave me the diagnosis which was H-Pylori seemed like it was caused by food poisoning. 

(While on the recovery mend February 2016)

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. These germs can enter your body and live in your digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.

The lining in my stomach was badly hurt so most things I ate after my discharge from hospital (even healthy food) was causing discomfort and pain, my face was swollen for months. I was booked off for a full month to recover at home, I started doing exercise, started cutting out sweets, sugar, fizzy drinks, I tried to cut out most unhealthy food also medication which consists of ASPIRIN and foods that would add to the acid in my body especially while out with friends at restaurants I would always prefer a healthier option even if it is not a 100% healthy. The transition has been difficult but persistence has definitely been very rewarding at least after 10 months of persistence my life started becoming normal again. Doctors did give me medication for the treatment for some time and I actually became very dependent upon the medication as I had so much fear, I then started praying to God to heal me, to guide me, and to help me, I would meditate on healing scriptures. It was during this season that the Lord started teaching me more about taking care of my body especially if I desire to live longer for the edification of His body. Since I started making more healthier choices especially towards my diet this are the results:

·  I have a lot of energy

· My sleeping pattern is normal

·   Don’t feel as tired and weighed down anymore.

· I can hear the Lord speak to me clearly

· My emotional, hormonal, spiritual, physical well-being is more balanced

· My skin is healthier and clear

                                    Transitioning tips:

·  I try my utmost best to wash my hands regularly.

·  Prepare food at home and take to work (which means less spending on fast food)

·  Blend Smoothies for breakfast.

· Prepare my meat, fish and chicken in a more healthier way e.g in the oven then: 

· I use plant based spices e.g Italian herbs, mixed herbs, coriander, sea salt etc

·I try and use olive oil and coconut oil for cooking, dressing and frying (especially the coconut oil).
To be honest eating more unhealthy drains you emotional, physically, spiritual and mentally, and I know not everyone wants to hear that however I do not regret embarking on this journey as it gets better every day and it starts with discipline scripture does say:

Galatians 5:16-18 (NKJV)

 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[c] and in your spirit, which are God’s.

There is a constant war between the flesh and the spirit. It is not about the gratification of the flesh our body is the temple of the Holy spirit and self control is important in every area of our lives, we cannot always be lead by our feelings or what we want to eat.
This health scare was literally a wake-up call to be intentional to look after myself emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.  Living in Kolkata, India laid the foundation as I had no choice but to become a vegetarian  for one year (and it was during this time I learned how to cook without meat etc.) and I should say God is so faithful and strategic as He knew I needed that season of preparation to be intentional now. While cleaning my apartment on a Sunday morning recently I just heard the Holy spirit say: “If you are so concerned about keeping your apartment clean and to live  in a clean & tidy place how much more your body?  Which is the temple of the Holy spirit?” Quite frankly I literally got a shock and threw the broom one side (laughs) since I am a very neat and tidy person (Holy spirit conviction). 
I really do not want to get to age 50 and have so many non communicable diseases, after marriage I still want to see my babies grow up and walk in their purposes (hehe).

It is always easier to choose what we want now and not what is beneficial for ourselves in the long run and obedience is so much more better than sacrifice and yes, it is not an easy journey and I am growing to learn that  it can only get easier by leaning on His grace daily. Well it has been 14 months of healthy bliss(yeah) I have not been to the doctor in these months except for treatment regarding a terrible flu. I have been changed, healed, freed, and delivered God is so so so faithful and to Him be All the Glory and All the Honor!!

For more information regarding H-pylori here is a few more links:

If you are going through a health scare season? Don’t panic? Ask God to guide you, heal you, try healthier options and meditate on healing scriptures. He is our Great Physician!

In His love

Ndeshi Jameson 

(On my birthday recently 10 October 2017)

Thursday 2 March 2017

Tough valley? What are you saying?

As I was reading Ezekiel chapter 37 on a Saturday morning God dropped this in my spirit “what are you speaking in your valley”? 

Psalm 23:4 says
Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff they comfort me.”

A valley- is a season or period of time where you feel alone (even though you are not) in your suffering or trial into it... whether physically or mentally. It is a time that is very difficult and extremely hard to work through, it is a silent season, it’s not death, but it can feel just as difficult emotionally to deal with.

Natural valley- an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it.

Valley fact: When the water flows from a mountain, the steeper it is the faster the water flows , and the deeper the valley it is that is created.

I have been going through a valley season which for me has been very challenging, as the Lord has been directing me into a different and new dimension in my life, at times when God give us the promise and direction to steer us into His will and purpose for our lives we sometimes get too excited and quickly haste to give birth to the promise, we casually go into it without taking it to Him through prayer and supplication asking for wisdom, guidance and understanding or rather too impatient to wait for His answer. I believe it is in the valley that we need to sit at His feet, allow His word to wash us  Many times, when God says this is “what I am going to do” we think it is just going to come easy and that’s what I thought too many times in my walk with God. Serving God will cost you everything my darling and you need to be willing to let go of everything in order grow, need to be willing to lay down your life daily, to submit to Him in everything you say and do, to take up your cross and follow Him daily, to let go of the old wine skins (mindsets) in order to embrace the new in a new season because you cannot pour new wine into old wine-skins (mindsets).

Growth takes places in the valley too because there is water, and water can sustain us which represents the WORD of God. 

I believe it is in the valley that we are challenged to get quiet to hear Him like never before, to press into His presence like never before. This is a season to cultivate our spirit, to spend time with God, grow and rest in Him. 

Ezekiel 37:1-6 (nkjv)

The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed, they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So, I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” 4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”’

God sat Ezekiel down in the midst of the valley and asked him if those dry bones could live, Ezekiel gave a skeptical answer “O Lord God, you know” he too was not so sure if they could live especially as he could physically see how extremely dry it was. God reminded me that I do not have to continue to fight for victory in my own strength but that I should be fighting from victory won at the cross for me 2000 years ago, with His spirit at work in me, more often I would try and do things in my own wisdom and strength and get frustrated when things don't work out (bhaha) can you relate?  And it is in times like this that He reminds me to know Him in all of my ways, because He is my Father, and then awesomely reminds me of the power we as His Sons truly do possess through the blood of the lamb, power to speak to dead situations, power to break every chain, to speak healing, power to uproot mountains etc. The enemy has blinded us so much so that we cannot fully grasp what Christ did on the Cross for us, He says in:

Mark 10:19

 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you”

I allowed myself to be distracted, my focus was more on what my natural environment dictated to me than what God said I was more frustrated than prayerful.  As I was meditating on Ezekiel 37 on that specific Saturday morning spending time in His word the Holy spirit ministered to me and reminded me of the power given to me, reminded me how I didn’t speak life to the dry bones in my valley, I murmured, complaint, I felt tired (emotionally, physically spiritually and mentally) and felt like running away from what God has purposed for me (like Jonah did) and that’s all the more reason why I didn’t see any fruit or progress during this season in my life. You see barrenness sets in if and when we murmur, and complain, by not cultivating our spirit in Him, spend time at His feet and in His word we will not see any fruit. The enemy is after you because of what's inside of you, when he cannot destroy you, his job is to distract you from your purpose and everything else. The best thing about the Lord speaking He tells us the truth about ourselves yet still loves and pursues us relentlessly with all our mistakes etc. He is such an intentional and faithful God truly He is, He keeps reminding me of His great power at work in me and how I can authoritatively use it to speak life in every area of my life, to speak what I desire to manifest (and it will be so). I was more focused on how I felt and not on what His word said about me, my life and circumstances etc. We are the music we listen to, the movies and series we watch, we are the company we keep. It is very important to discern what seeds we sow and doors we open up in every season we transition into. Guard your heart above all else? What seeds are you sowing in your life and that of others? Are you running to the Lord in prayer or are you running to people?

Ephesians 3:20 (NCV)

20 “With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.”

You will not understand every part of the journey that's why the Holy Spirit has to be your most trusted advisor while faith serves as your mode of transportation. Don’t be too hard on yourself? Don't park there? Move on and continue to press on towards the mark of the high calling? Praise Him in your valley? Worship Him? Give Him all the glory and honor regardless of what it looks like it is never easy but so much more worth it God promised to never bring us this far to leave nor forsake us, He can't because He lives inside of us. Remember your purpose is not about you but it's about what God wants to do through you. It is normal to go through a valley season, when seasons change trees shed leaves to prepare for the next season in fact we will go through different seasons continually these seasons are needed to equip, prune, purge, purify and mold us into vessels He desires us to be for His glory in and out of season. 

This season is teaching me to:

1.Speak life in every area of my life and those around me daily.
2.My feelings are never constant, to have an attitude of PRAISE!
3.To stay rooted and build up in God and scar my mind with His word continually.
4.To press into the Lord daily and cast down every care unto Him
5.To seek more of His kingdom, and pursue His desires, His will and purpose for my life.
6.To surround myself with like-minded believers, to fellowship together by the breaking of bread (word of God) and giving myself fully as unto the Lord to build others up, pray for them and encourage them in the Lord.
7.To love and give myself fully through serving without expecting anything in return. 

I’ve learned that when I don't pull aside for the Lord in this fast-paced life, I eventually end up running on fumes or depending on myself and get extremely overwhelmed! I don't believe that it's the will of our Father to be so distracted, exhausted and busy that we no longer spend time with the Lord. Saying "yes" to everyone and everything can very easily clutter your Spirit man. AND, it's NOT worth it! Are you going through a valley season right now? Could be in your marriage, loss of a loved one,  in your career, your family etc. Do you feel tired and overwhelmed? I encourage you to make time for the Lord, run to Him? Vent your heart and frustrations out before Him? Spending time with the Lord gives us perspective, it refuels us and gives us hope.

Stay rooted and build up in Him saints, stand firm on the promises of God and let your mouth always be filled with praises? He who is in us is greater than He that is in the world we are fighting from VICTORY! 

In His love
Ndeshi Jameson
In Pretoria, South Africa on holiday recently (December 2016)

Why I do not use excessive make up/ foundation on my skin

When I lived in India nine (9) years ago I was forced to put make up on my face every day, it was a “must” recommend due to the training I w...