Friday, 1 December 2017

Healthier choices? But WHY?

Anyone Who knows me knows that I am extremely health conscious as I became quiet yesterday afternoon I had a tug on my heart to share reasons for my “health conscious craziness”. Back in 2015 late in November I have been vomiting for a consistent two weeks straight, normally I would first try and play doctor at home and would try out home remedies (bahaha) can anyone else relate? Well my condition became worse in the second week. Decided to go see a doctor but he said it was just oily food and gave me something to treat the nausea and the vomiting, so I decided to just relax. A few days later my condition worsened while driving on my way to the shops (sitting behind the steering wheel) I then started feeling weak and dizzy and decided to drive back home immediately, packed a few things and drove myself to the hospital and signed in for admittance.
Doctors did examine me and ran a few tests on me but could not tell even after 3 days of being admitted what the prognosis was. As stubborn as I was I then decided discharge myself from the hospital and literally lied to the doctor that I am feeling a 100% fine and that I would prefer going home. To be honest I couldn’t handle being in the Hospital for 3 days and doctors not telling me what was wrong with me, they just kept injecting me with something to stop the nausea and the vomiting. Doctor was convinced and then discharged me from the hospital that same day in the afternoon. Midnight on that very same day I was re-admitted again as my condition worsened at home to be honest this was the scariest season of my entire life. I felt helpless and just cried out to God for help and clarity, the doctor who was on call that very same night attended to me in the morning she started doing some more tests and later during the day gave me the diagnosis which was H-Pylori seemed like it was caused by food poisoning. 

(While on the recovery mend February 2016)

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. These germs can enter your body and live in your digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.

The lining in my stomach was badly hurt so most things I ate after my discharge from hospital (even healthy food) was causing discomfort and pain, my face was swollen for months. I was booked off for a full month to recover at home, I started doing exercise, started cutting out sweets, sugar, fizzy drinks, I tried to cut out most unhealthy food also medication which consists of ASPIRIN and foods that would add to the acid in my body especially while out with friends at restaurants I would always prefer a healthier option even if it is not a 100% healthy. The transition has been difficult but persistence has definitely been very rewarding at least after 10 months of persistence my life started becoming normal again. Doctors did give me medication for the treatment for some time and I actually became very dependent upon the medication as I had so much fear, I then started praying to God to heal me, to guide me, and to help me, I would meditate on healing scriptures. It was during this season that the Lord started teaching me more about taking care of my body especially if I desire to live longer for the edification of His body. Since I started making more healthier choices especially towards my diet this are the results:

·  I have a lot of energy

· My sleeping pattern is normal

·   Don’t feel as tired and weighed down anymore.

· I can hear the Lord speak to me clearly

· My emotional, hormonal, spiritual, physical well-being is more balanced

· My skin is healthier and clear

                                    Transitioning tips:

·  I try my utmost best to wash my hands regularly.

·  Prepare food at home and take to work (which means less spending on fast food)

·  Blend Smoothies for breakfast.

· Prepare my meat, fish and chicken in a more healthier way e.g in the oven then: 

· I use plant based spices e.g Italian herbs, mixed herbs, coriander, sea salt etc

·I try and use olive oil and coconut oil for cooking, dressing and frying (especially the coconut oil).
To be honest eating more unhealthy drains you emotional, physically, spiritual and mentally, and I know not everyone wants to hear that however I do not regret embarking on this journey as it gets better every day and it starts with discipline scripture does say:

Galatians 5:16-18 (NKJV)

 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[c] and in your spirit, which are God’s.

There is a constant war between the flesh and the spirit. It is not about the gratification of the flesh our body is the temple of the Holy spirit and self control is important in every area of our lives, we cannot always be lead by our feelings or what we want to eat.
This health scare was literally a wake-up call to be intentional to look after myself emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.  Living in Kolkata, India laid the foundation as I had no choice but to become a vegetarian  for one year (and it was during this time I learned how to cook without meat etc.) and I should say God is so faithful and strategic as He knew I needed that season of preparation to be intentional now. While cleaning my apartment on a Sunday morning recently I just heard the Holy spirit say: “If you are so concerned about keeping your apartment clean and to live  in a clean & tidy place how much more your body?  Which is the temple of the Holy spirit?” Quite frankly I literally got a shock and threw the broom one side (laughs) since I am a very neat and tidy person (Holy spirit conviction). 
I really do not want to get to age 50 and have so many non communicable diseases, after marriage I still want to see my babies grow up and walk in their purposes (hehe).

It is always easier to choose what we want now and not what is beneficial for ourselves in the long run and obedience is so much more better than sacrifice and yes, it is not an easy journey and I am growing to learn that  it can only get easier by leaning on His grace daily. Well it has been 14 months of healthy bliss(yeah) I have not been to the doctor in these months except for treatment regarding a terrible flu. I have been changed, healed, freed, and delivered God is so so so faithful and to Him be All the Glory and All the Honor!!

For more information regarding H-pylori here is a few more links:

If you are going through a health scare season? Don’t panic? Ask God to guide you, heal you, try healthier options and meditate on healing scriptures. He is our Great Physician!

In His love

Ndeshi Jameson 

(On my birthday recently 10 October 2017)

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